¨Trust that your life will enrich on all levels if you do what you really want and follow your heart¨.
About 20 years ago this quote really toouched me and although I didn´t know at that time what i really wanted to do with my life, I choose to find out.
During my years in business life I felt that there had to be more, I wanted to be more creative, feeling more freedom and feel the connection with all there is. Allowing things to flow and unfold instead of planning everything ahead. Letting things flow instead of forcing them..
To trust and to listen to your heart, thats the way. I always knew, but couldn´t feel and believe it in the beginning. It took me some time to learn and have faith.
Little by little I became more able to quiet my mind and listen to my inner voice. To let go of old pains, duality, patterns and fears. i felt lighter, stronger and more centered. Then all kind of possibilities unfolded into the right direction and I became more confident that there indeed was another way. My way. Things started to change which gave me a lot of fullfilment, joy and bliss.
Everything is already inside of us, all power comes from within. And we are perfect already. It just seems to be covered up with layers of pain, fears and limiting believes from the past.
My mission is to help you remembering your Essence, to become the greatest version of yourself and share that with this planet!
Looking forward meeting you!
Love Vicky
resident Wellness Coach in Shantisom
Certified in;
Ayurveda - Teacher Soul Reading - Aura Healing - Reiki master - Naturopath - Kinesiology - Massage - Reflexology - Feng Shui
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